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| | | Xenu | | In Scientology doctrine, Xenu (also Xemu), pronounced /'zi.nu/, was the alien dictator of the "Galactic Confederacy" who, 75 million years ago, brought billions of aliens to Earth in DC-8-like spacecraft, stacked them around volcanoes and blew them up with hydrogen bombs. Their souls then clustered together and stuck to the bodies of the living, and continue to wreak chaos and havoc today. |
Y | | Yardley Of London Slicker | Line of makeup and accessories made popular during the 1960's. The manufacturer sponsored popular television programming such as The Monkees and featured ‘Twiggy’, the fashionable Mod Model who helped to popularize the mini skirt and artificial eye lashes | | | Yellow Meme | According to Don Beck’s Spiral Dynamics. The Yellow Meme (vMeme) for short; describes a world view or consciousness that has transcended and includes values found within previous levels. In spiral dynamics, the term vMeme refers to a core value system, acting as an organizing principle, which expresses itself through memes (self-propagating ideas, habits, or cultural practices). The prepended and superscripted letter v indicates these are not basic memes but value systems which include them. | | | Yidam | A meditational deity that is an aspect of Buddha. A Yidam is an enlightened being with whom one identifies during meditation: one perceives his or her own Buddha nature through such identification. Some common Yidams include the Dakini, Goddess, Hayagriva, Vajrakilaya (Dorje Phurba), Samputa, Guhyasamaja, Yamantaka, Hevajra, Kurukulle, Cakrasamvara, Vajrayogini, and Kalachakra. Also, other enlightened beings such as the regular forms of the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, Guru Rinpoche, certain Dharmapalas, Wealth Deities, and yab-yum representations, among others, can also be practiced as a Yidam. | | | Yoga | Yoga is an ancient Indian body of knowledge that dates back more than 5000 years ago. The word "Yoga" came from the Sanskrit word "yuj" which means "to unite or integrate." Yoga then is about the union of a person's own consciousness and the universal consciousness. | | | Yogi or Yogini | A master of yoga. | | | You owe me a Coke | Superstitious belief that you can prevent bad luck when two people say the same thing at the same time by saying, "Jinx, you owe me a Coke." |
| | | Zig Zag Man | | Picture on the pack of French rolling papers used for rolling cigarettes and, started in the hippie era, used for marijuana joints. |
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