E | | Eagles | Formed in 1971 in Los Angeles and was the first rock/country crossover band. Don Henley (born July 22, 1947 in Gilmer, TX - drums & vocals), Glenn Frey (born November 6, 1948 in Detroit, MI - guitar, vocals & piano), Bernie Leadon (born July 19, 1947 in Minneapolis, MN - guitar, banjo, mandolin & vocals), Randy Meisner (born March 8, 1946 in Scottsbluff, NE - bass, guitar & vocals), Don Felder (guitar & vocals), & Timothy B. Schmidt (born October 30, 1947 in Oakland, CA - bass & vocals). Their song "Take It Easy" is one of Kathryn Barber's top ten songs. | | | Earth Day | Responding to wide spread environmental degradation, United States Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin called for an Environmental Teach-in or Earth Day to be held on April 22, 1970. Over 20 million people participated and it is now observed each year by more than 500 million people and national governments in 175 countries. Senator Gaylord Nelson, an environmental activist in the U.S. Senate, took a leading role in organizing the celebration, to demonstrate popular political support for an environmental agenda. He modeled it on the highly effective Vietnam War protests of the time. Senator Nelson selected Denis Hayes (a Harvard student and Stanford graduate) as the National Coordinator of activities. The nationwide event included opposition to the Vietnam War on the agenda. Pete Seeger was a keynote speaker and performer at the event held in Washington DC. | | | Easy Rider | Film directed in 1969 by Dennis Hopper, starring Hopper, Peter Fonda, Jack Nicholson, Karen Black, and Robert Walker, Jr. Made for less than $400,000 and began the independent film industry. Introduced the public to the counterculture of the time. | | | Ed Dames | "Major" Edward A. Dames is a retired U.S. Army and CIA intelligence officer, known for his claim to be able to conduct remote viewing, and for his appearances on the Coast to Coast AM radio show, where he has made a variety of predictions on topics ranging from contact with alien races to the destruction of life on Earth. "After remote viewing training under Ingo Swann, who developed the original RV protocols, Dames went on to found PSI TECH, a company that sells home remote viewing kits. After remote viewing training under Ingo Swann, who developed the original RV protocols, Dames went on to found PSI TECH, a company that sells home remote viewing kits. In 2004 he was hired as a consultant for the feature film Suspect Zero. He also made his acting debut in the film, playing the small role of a CIA remote viewing instructor. | | | Edgar Cayce | Born on March 18, 1877 he became known worldwide due to his psychic abilities. | | | Edward Bernays | Edward Bernays (November 22, 1891 – March 9, 1995) is regarded by many as the "father of public relations," although some people believe that title properly belongs to some other early PR practitioners, such as Ivy Lee. Born in Vienna, Bernays was both a blood nephew and a nephew-in-law to Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, and Bernays's public relations efforts helped popularize Freud's theories in the United States. Bernays also pioneered the PR industry's use of psychology and other social sciences to design its public persuasion campaigns. "If we understand the mechanism and motives of the group mind, is it not possible to control and regiment the masses according to our will without their knowing about it? The recent practice of propaganda has proved that it is possible, at least up to a certain point and within certain limits." (Propaganda, 2005 ed., p. 71.) He called this scientific technique of opinion-molding the "engineering of consent." | | | Ego | The “I” or self of any person; a person as thinking, feeling, and willing, and distinguishing itself from the selves of others and from objects of its thought. | | | Electric Light Orchestra | Formed in October 1970 by Roy Wood (born November 8, 1946 in Birmingham, England), Jeff Lynne (born December 30, 1947 in Birmingham, England) and Bev Bevan (born November 25, 1944 in Sparkhill, Birmingham, England) (the remaining members of the 1960s rock group The Move), the band used cellos, violin, horns and woodwinds to give their music a classical sound. This was an idea Roy Wood initially had while with The Move to take rock music in a new direction. In January 1970, when Carl Wayne left the Move, Jeff Lynne, front man with fellow Brum band Idle Race, responded to Wood's second invitation to join the line-up with the lure of starting the new band. To help finance the fledgling project, two more Move albums were released during the lengthy recordings for their eponymous first album between 1970 & 1971, which produced the UK hit "10538 Overture". | | | Empiricist | Someone who holds that the only source of knowledge is experience. For Wilber, "narrow science" holds that empiricism means "experience originating in the five senses or their extensions," while "broad science" holds that something can be empirically real if it can be directly experienced by individuals subjectively and then validated by consensus in a qualified "community of the adequate." | | | Eric Clapton | CBE (born 30 March 1945 in Ripley, Surrey, England), nicknamed "Slowhand", is a Grammy Award winning English guitarist, singer and composer, who is one of the most successful musicians of the 20th century, garnering an unprecedented three inductions into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Often viewed as one of the greatest guitarists of all time among critics and fans alike. | | | Erwin Schrödinger | Nobel Prize winning Austrian physicist, 1887-1961. | | | EST | A popular human potential seminar, founded by Werner Erhardt, with roughly 700,000 participants from 1971-1991. | | | Etch-A-Sketch | The Etch A Sketch is a toy invented in 1959 by Frenchman Arthur Granjean and introduced commercially by the Ohio Art Company in the 1960's. Granjean originally called it "The Psychedelic Screen." The toy is relatively flat and rectangular, looking somewhat like a small television. Introduced near the peak of the baby boom, the classically simple Etch A Sketch is one of the best-known toys of that generation, and remains popular to this day. Etch A Sketch with insides shown, made possible by drawing on the entire screen The toy works as a simplified version of a plotter. The inside surface of the glass screen is coated with aluminum powder which is then scraped off by a movable stylus, leaving a dark line on the light-gray screen. The stylus is controlled by the two large knobs, one of which moves it vertically and the other horizontally. To erase the picture, one simply turns the toy upside down and shakes it, causing styrene beads to smooth out and recoat the inside surface. | | | Evil | The wicked or immoral part of someone or something |